2023 All-City Summit Pricing is $675. Limited Enrollment.
As attendance is limited to current and prospective members of one of the SLF chapters, (which is limited to Corporations with annual revenues in excess of $1 Billion and their respective trade association), registration is not being handled online. Instead, I will handle registration in one of three ways.
- Email details to
- Leave a voicemail with details at 678-887-4006
- Email or call with possible dates/times for me to call you to get registration details.
Following details will be needed on email or voicemail:
- Name(s) of individuals attending the All-City Summit
- Company (or Trade Assoc.) affiliation
- Name of Cardholder
- Credit Card Number
- Expiration Date
- Zip Code on File for the Card
You will receive a receipt listing individuals registered no later than 3 days of contacting me.
Thank you for your help in utilizing the above approach to register
I look forward to your active engagement in the 2022 All-City Summit!
Warmest regards,
Joseph Dixon